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来源:央视网 更新时间:2022-12-23 18:07:16
  • 视频简介
    受“播报中国”节目的邀请,我来到了长沙,一个美丽的充满活力的中国城市。今天,我来到了长沙市著名的网红打卡地--文和友,一个根据长沙古老街道复刻而成的新生代生活空间。这里有很多复古的特色小店,还有各色的老长沙美食。跟我一起来寻找最能俘获我的那道美食吧! Invited by the program "China in Lens", I came to Changsha.A beautiful Chinese city full of vitality Today, I came to the Changsha's coolest new venue Wen Heyou, A living space where youngsters love to, it based on the ancient streets of Changsha.There are many retro specialty stores And various old Changsha food.Come with me to find which taste is my favorite.
来源 : 央视网 2022-12-23 18:07:16 内容简介